2018 A Resurgence of the Feminine

Happy 2018! I’m sure a lot of you are relieved to say goodbye to 2017 as it was more than a bit bumpy for most. We saw a lot of upsetting things in the world around us. It was a very divisive time and unfortunately, there’s still more to come in 2018. But take heart! More and more light is coming in which will dispel the negativity and the darkness that surrounds us. Below are the major themes that I’ve been sensing for 2018 and some practical and necessary steps that each one of us can take to help bring in more light to an already darkened world.

Being victimized doesn’t mean you need to remain a victim

This is a theme that is a carry over 2017. I wrote more about it in my Taking Back Your Power article a few months back. Stuff happens to all of us. We are insulted, abused, hurt on many levels, some of us on a regular basis. While we don’t choose to be victimized we have the choice on whether or not to remain a victim. When we call ourselves a ‘victim’ we give the person that victimized us our power. They might not be actively victimizing us but we can still feel like it long after the incident has passed. So take a conscious, concerted effort to separate the ‘act’ from the ‘persona’ of being a victim. Something happened to you, not through you. Meaning, something happened to your outer, physical, human you, while the big You, with a capital ‘Y’ remained untouched. It is your choice how deeply you will let something affect you. Find your inner strength, find your inner power and use what happened to you as a vehicle for making you stronger, not weaker.

So within, so without

Over the last several weeks I’ve been hearing the phrase ‘so within, so without‘ during client sessions. It’s beautiful in it’s simplicity. Whatever we are dealing with within is a reflection of the world around us. Meaning, if you have chaos, trauma or anxiety in your immediate external world, i.e., family life, work, health, etc. then it’s because you have chaos, trauma or anxiety within your internal world. Likewise, if you have peace within, your life will be pretty peaceful. Whatever we see around us is a reflection of what’s going on within.

Take a hoarder as an example. If someone hoards and surrounds themselves with objects to the point of chaos and unhealthy conditions it’s usually because they have chaos and unhealthy mental perspective on themselves. The physical hoarding, their home, their environment is a direct mirror of what’s going on inside of them. If we take an honest look around us and see what’s not working well or what doesn’t bring us peace, think about that as something to work on internally. If you have a boss that is difficult to communicate with, are there things that you struggle to communicate? If you have a child that is acting out, has high anxiety and difficulty focusing, do you also have this tendency? Similarly, if your home is calm, peaceful and stable, do you feel calm, peaceful and stable within yourself? As Ghandi stated, “If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him.” (Source NY Times)

Instant manifestation

Another major theme of the year is seeing things manifest instantly. Thoughts and ideas that would take sometimes years or months to come to fruition are only taking weeks or even days. Pay close attention to what you want to have in your life and in the world and turn away from the things you do not desire. Whatever you think and feel will come back at you, seemingly instantly.

Tools like vision boarding, journaling and watching The Secret would be a good ways to start off the year and help you hone in on what you’d like to see manifest.

The feminine within

It doesn’t take a psychic to see that the power of the feminine is making a resurgence in our world. With the historic Golden Globes and the #MeToo and #TimesUP movements, we’re seeing a rise of the feminine collective. Louder, stronger, more focused voices are being heard and change is being made. Within each of us we have a feminine and a masculine side. A creative, nurturing, heart-centered aspect as well as a practical, analytical and mind-centered aspect, the feminine and the masculine.

We will see a greater pull to come from a more heart-centered space, a more nurturing and compassionate space that is less driven by ego. We will increase our sensitivity and become more hyper-aware of imbalances, inequalities and will have less tolerance for them. We will have stronger voices to speak out against these inequalities to a world that is ready and ripe for change. Remember, as stated above, focus on what changes you want to see, not on the inequalities that have kept people feeling victimized.

A stronger connection to Mother Earth 

Mother Earth will also play a big role in this re-awakening. While in Sedona studying Light Language this past fall, I had a beautiful vision and message from Mother Earth. She showed me mountains then pointed towards my breasts and said your mountains are my mountains. She then showed me an image of a canal and said, your (birth) canals are my canals, then a rushing river followed by, your rivers are my rivers. Then I got the final message, you were made in MY image. I was immediately struck by the power and truth of this statement and have since been reflecting on it’s meaning. We are coming into greater understanding about our spiritual relationship with Mother Earth. She is not just a provider, a house for us to dwell or a meal for us to eat, she is our Mother. She supports and cares for us unconditionally. We will be called to spend more time in nature, to support more environmental causes and to develop a closer, more intuitive connection with Mother Earth so that we might get insight before a major shift or change or upheaval. You might start to hear trees and plants talk to you. You might get glimpses of Fairies or nature sprites. Listen, honor and trust the messages you are receiving as they are here to support, love and nurture you.

There will be more rapid fire changes this year. We have been on a trajectory since 2012 that isn’t going to be slowing down in 2018. If anything, things will be kicked up another notch. Remember to find your inner peace as it will help anchor the changes with love, insight and acceptance.

Sending you light, love and Reiki blessings!
