Feeling Anxious Lately?

Have you been feeling a bit ‘on-edge’ lately? Unable to sleep or focus? Are you finding that your internal plumbing ain’t working quite right? How about a sudden ringing in the ears? Or how about this one; the need to jump out of your skin and take off? If you experienced one or more of these you are not alone!

Many of my clients have been reporting high anxiety to the point of panic attacks since, guess, …… go on, I’ll wait ….. yes, you got it, late January of this year. Hmm….I wonder what happened around that time? Oh yes, the inauguration! Regardless of your politics or who you voted for we’re all experiencing a communal panic attack of sorts. There are feelings of fear, uncertainty and loss. You might not have these emotions yourself but I bet you’re feeling the collective emotional soup of everyone else.

See Empaths: Getting Out from Under The World

In addition to the significant change in our political world, there is a spiritual evolution also taking place at the same time. Some would argue that one spurred on the other. This spiritual evolution or ‘ascension’ as it is more commonly known, is a step forward for human kind. I know it doesn’t feel like we’re evolving, but trust me, we are. This ascension is an awakening of our higher selves, our spirituality, our connection to Source, God, etc. We are shedding our old snakeskin and are going through a re-birthing process where we become more awake, alive and connected to who we truly are. Think of it as if we’re waking up from the Matrix. We’re becoming unplugged from our routines and starting to see life and each other from a higher perspective.

You might begin to experience deep feelings of compassion. You might feel your heart ache when you witness tragedy or warm when you feel overwhelming love. You might have one or more of your psychic ‘clairs’ open up: clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience. You might feel compelled to take action when you weren’t the type to do so before. You see yourself gravitating towards a healthier lifestyle, cutting out certain foods, drinks, people, environments, etc. because they’re just ‘too much’ for you to handle right now. That’s a good thing. You are listening to what your body and spirit need and are making the necessary adjustments.

So why is this this happening now?

Without getting too metaphysical, know that this has been planned for eons. This time, this critical time in our history has been in the works for thousands of years. We’ve been experimenting, seeing what it’s like to live on this beautiful blue planet we call home. We’ve had to lower our vibration in order to exist on this physical plane. We’ve had to ‘descend’ so that we can inhabit our physical bodies. Now the school bell has rung and it’s time to graduate into the next level.

What can I do about it?

Being aware that it’s taking place is a good first step. Knowing that you’re not going crazy, you’re not alone and that this is for your highest and greatest good is a great place to start. Secondly, be gentle with yourself. Know that you are hypersensitive right now so create safe places, boundaries, learn to say no and learn when you need to take breaks and be alone with your thoughts.

If you haven’t already, try some of the steps listed in my previous article on opening up your spirituality. Try to really get in touch with who you are. What makes you tick? Where do your passions lie? What does your soul yearn for? Follow that yearning, even if it’s just baby steps and the universe will match you. Have you been inspired to teach, paint, create, write, sing, dance, shout,  run, hike, get back into nature? As Nike says, just do it. Throw caution to the wind, follow your heart and you will never be led astray.

What comes next?

That’s up to all of us. The more we embrace our new higher divine selves the more we evolve as a whole. But it does take every one of us to make that effort. We need to love ourselves and each other deeply. We need to love the planet and all the living things on it. We need to have compassion radiating out of all our pores. We need to step out of our old ways of judgement, anger and fear and step into a new way of seeing the world through eyes of light and love. We’re opening up to new learning, new insight, new awareness beyond what we’ve been able to experience in the past. This is an exciting time, a period of great adjustment that requires more than a handful of patience and a healthy dose of awareness.

Sending you my light and love,


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